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  • [Apr 17 2009] Debt Settlement Programs
    The headaches and strain brought on by by these outstanding financial obligations can be onerous, to say the least, particularly when the idea of filing bankruptcy crawls in to your head. Within these positions, it remains primary to recognize that you have options. It is all-important to seek out the alternatives, such as a financial consultant who can make a debt resolution program for you.
  • [Mar 25 2009] Managing Debt Recovery - Part 1 - When you decide to Get Out of Debt
    Part 1 of a three, (3), part series explaining how to put together and manage a debt recovery plan. If you are struggling with how to get started with your debt recovery then start here.
  • [Mar 24 2009] The Ins and Outs of Debt Settlement
    Most of us already know bankruptcy is the last probable resort you wish to do, which leaves debt settlement. The issue is, does debt settlement really work? Without a doubt yes, debt settlement often known as debt negotiation does work. The bigger query should be, is it right for you? Before we get into gauging if it's your bag, let's ensure you understand the method. This has increasingly being t
  • [Mar 17 2009] Alternative to Bankruptcy
    perhaps you are wondering why a financier will want to work with you to settle the debt think of that negotiation is an alternative for them as well. In certain insolvency judicial decisions a creditor carrying nonsecured paper may possibly get nothing at all. Yet, when a account bearer works out a settlement the creditor will at least recover part, if perhaps not every bit, of the debt the bank
  • [Mar 3 2009] How does debt settlement work
    First off we are going to qualify you for the program. That simply means that we are going to gather all your bills, (with your help, of course), and go through each one to make sure that the debt noted on the statement qualifies for a settlement program. An example of debt that doesn't qualify is a secured debt like a mortgage or government backed student loans. If you have loans you acquired whi
  • [Mar 3 2009] Bankruptcy Alternative with Debt Settlement
    If you are reading this you are either curious about debt settlement or you already know you need an alternative to bankruptcy. Ignoring the problem won't make it go away so what do you do? Well, you can declare bankruptcy but then be labeled for the next 10 years every time somebody runs your credit. At least with debt settlement you can overcome some of the stigma after a few years.
  • [Mar 3 2009] Is Debt Settlement a Good Idea
    There are so many reasons why people with overwhelming debt choose debt settlement. Primarily, you will be allowed to pay less and you won’t have a bankruptcy haunting you for the next 10 years.
  • [Mar 3 2009] Debt Settlement as an Alternative to Bankruptcy
    Debt settlement is a great option for those seeking help with credit card debt. When even a single payment is missed, most credit cards incur an extremely sizable interest charge that then weighs on the existing balance. This interest charge makes it more difficult to pay off the credit card in the following months which can easily send your debt spinning out of control.
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We provide Debt Settlement and Debt Management Programs in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Gorgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Lousiana, Maryland, Massechussettes, Michigan, Minnisota, Montana, Mosouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennesee, Texas, Utah, Washington.
*Individual results may vary and are based on the ability to save funds and successful completion of the program terms. Debt Settlement program does not assume or pay any consumer debts, and does not provide tax or legal advice. Program not available in all states. Read and understand all contract terms prior to enrollment.
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