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Become Debt Free by Cutting Down Your Utility Bill

With a few smart teaks to how you live, you can easy free up more money to pour into your debt.

Cut Down Your Utility Bill

Your home utilities are one of the essentials.  One of the many things that help you function from day to day.  And while there is no question that you need a lot of energy to live in the modern world, this doesn’t mean that you should cease looking for ways to cut down on your overall utility bill.  In fact, there are tons of ways that you can probably significantly reduce the amount that you spend on your utility bill without feeling it.  With a few smart teaks to how you live, you can easy free up more money to pour into your debt.

Here are some of the prime ways that you can trim down your utility bill.

Wash Your Clothes In Cold Water - If you are like most people, you probably leave the settings on your wash to only one specific setting.  And chances are that setting is “warm” or “hot.”  While this setting can really help get whites extra white, it can cause your utility bills to skyrocket.  If you are willing to settle for slightly off white socks by setting your heat level to “cold,” you can cut down on your bill significantly.   And if you are like most people, you won’t even really notice a difference in the cleanliness of your clothes.

Get Digital Phone Service - Digital phone service is simply a telephone that can operate through your high-speed Internet connection rather than your phone line.   Since there are fewer operating costs digital phone service operators can offer this service for much less than typical phone service.  It uses a normal telephone, and you may discover that your DSL or cable internet provider already offers this service. This alone could save you hundreds of dollars a year.

Alternatively, if you have found that you rarely use your land line at all, you could instead switch to only using your cell phone. If you have a good plan, cutting out your home telephone bill entirely can add up to a whole lot of savings.

Let Your Dishes Air Dry -  How fast do you really need your dishes to be dry anyway?  The dry cycle on your dishwasher sucks up a lot of energy, and dishes get just as dry if you leave them out your kitchen counter.  Be sure to check in on your dishes just as they starting to dry.  If it helps, you might purchase a small kitchen timer that can go off just as your dishwasher starts the dry cycle.  Do this for a full month and you will probably see a big difference in your electricity bill.

Nuke Your Food - Whenever you get the opportunity, cook your food in the microwave instead of using your conventional oven.  This may mean skimping on culinary treats, but it can save you a ton of energy.  A conventional oven, whether it’s gas or electronic, has to use a massive amount of energy to cook and heat food.  A conventional microwave, by contrast, is extremely energy efficient.

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*Individual results may vary and are based on the ability to save funds and successful completion of the program terms. Debt Settlement program does not assume or pay any consumer debts, and does not provide tax or legal advice. Program not available in all states. Read and understand all contract terms prior to enrollment.
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